That's strange, because we (outlet) had the same problem when we put Scion on 
in London, the sound guy was a dick and kept playing with the EQs...

May be Scion have this problem a lot?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Churchill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 June 2004 11:45
To: David Beattie; 313
Subject: Re: (313) Glasgow

> Then Scion came on, after about 10 seconds it was
> obvious that the sound system couldnt handle the bass
> they were trying to put through it - not sure if there
> was a problem with the system or if it simply wasnt up
> to the task, although im sure the Traxx boys know the
> bass that the Basic Channel tracks have and would have
> thought the sound system would take that into account.
> Perhaps Tom can give some info on that?

The problem was mainly down to the sound engineer in the room - the same guy
who ruined the sound when Francois K played at the Arches. The system itself
was up to it, and it sounded fine when we soundchecked earlier in the
evening, but the engineer in his infinite wisdom decided to keep messing
around with the EQ and the levels over the course of the night, and it just
seemed to get worse and worse.

This was a major disappointment for everyone, and Traxx have taken steps to
make sure he's never in charge of one of their sound systems again. We were
all very p*ssed off about it and apparently many harsh words have been
spoken by the Traxx boys to those concerned...

Apparently Scion are keen to come back later in the year, with Tikiman, and
do the set again in a smaller venue with a sound system that will do them
justice, so I'll keep you posted as and when I know more...



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