On 5/30/07, Patrick Wacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark and Moritz were pulling out the gems all night, but I have to
say, the bass on the Burial Mix tracks towards the end of their
session were gut wrenching.

yeah, people went nuts for "see mi yah" and then the tracks from the
rhythm and sound 12"s. it was so good to hear that stuff on that
system. best set of the weekend, and one of the best ive ever seen!

My overall first impression of the festival isn't too positive, even
though the music was great on the various stages at times (Model 500
- WOW, Kenny Larkin, Shake are always bringing it!), the majority of
the crowd left a lot to be desired. A young guy and a girl right next
to me in the pit at Model 500 were feeling the rush of their chems,
and she proceeded to get down, unzip the dude an well you can only
imagine the rest.

some people pay money to see that kind of thing! ;)

I guess i'm just not used to going to big festivals anymore, but I've
had enough of glowsticks and baby pacifiers to last me a lifetime.
Big up the gurner massive.

yeah the crowd was pretty poop. i heard so much awesome music, but
many times there was almost no one there checking it out. too bad.


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