On 05/17/2016 08:01 AM, Alberto Viana wrote:

Just to let you know, after I replicated/created the exactly same OU structure on both side, the replication seems to works fine. I'm still not sure that is the expected behavior:

Yes, it is. Winsync does _not_ sync the OU structure - you have to set that up manually so that the OU structure in AD matches the OU structure in 389.

[17/May/2016:10:56:53 -0300] - windows_conn_connect : detected Win2k3 or later peer [17/May/2016:10:56:53 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): No linger to cancel on the connection [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state before 573b22010001:1463493115:0:6 [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state after 573b232c0000:1463493414:0:6 [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync - windows_acquire_replica returned success (101) [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): State: ready_to_acquire_replica -> sending_updates [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] - csngen_adjust_time: gen state before 573b232c0001:1463493414:0:6 [17/May/2016:10:56:54 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - _cl5GetDBFile: found DB object 1b9d570 for database /opt/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-RNP/changelogdb/169ce382-1b9011e6-91ddc5b4-dc63c95a_55c88d99000000c80000.db

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Alberto Viana <alberto...@gmail.com <mailto:alberto...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    /Did you use the same version of 389-ds-base against AD on 2008 R2
    and 2012 R2?/
    /389-Directory/ <> B2016.063.1654/
    /Please share the output frpm this command line "rpm -q 389-ds-base"?/

    *I compiled 389 manually once the package in apt repo is too old
    for me (I'm using ubuntu 14.04 LTS). What specific info do you need?*
    *ds-base is*

    /Does this error message follow some other detailed error
    messages?  Such as .../
    /YOUR_AGREEMENT_NAMEFailed to send %s operation: LDAP error
    /or /
    /YOUR_AGREEMENT: Received error [%s] when attempting to %s entry
    [%s]: Please correct the attribute specified in the error
    message.  Refer to the Windows Active Directory docs for more
    /If not, could you enable the replication log level and share the
    error log with us?/

    *After enable replication log level:*
    *[17/May/2016:09:13:18 -0300] - Attempting to add entry
    Maia,ou=pop-go,ou=POPS,ou=EXTERNOS,ou=RNP,dc=homolog,dc=rnp to AD
    for local entry
    *[17/May/2016:09:13:18 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync
    - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): Received result
    code 32 (0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001
    (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
    'OU=POPS,OU=EXTERNOS,OU=RNP,DC=homolog,DC=rnp' ) for add operation *
    *[17/May/2016:09:13:18 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync
    - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636):
    windows_process_total_add: Cannot replay add operation.*
    *[17/May/2016:09:13:18 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync
    - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): Beginning linger
    on the connection*
    *[17/May/2016:09:13:18 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows sync
    - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): windows_tot_run:
    failed to obtain data to send to the consumer; LDAP error - 1*
    *Once I do not have the same OU structure on both side (for
    testing purposes), I created
    "**ou=pop-go,ou=POPS,ou=EXTERNOS,ou=RNP,dc=homolog,dc=rnp" on AD
    side and started to get error in another OU that I have on 389
    side but not in AD.*
    *Is that the expected behavior?*
    *PS: In my production environment we use this strategy that what
    we dont want to be replicated, just not create the OU structure
    and works fine. I never found a better way to do that like a
    "exclude list".*

    /Could you also share your Windows Sync agreement?  Do you happen
    to have 2 Directory Servers -- one for 2008R2 and another for
    2012R2, could you provide both?/

    *Here's my sync agreement:*
    *dn: cn=AD -
    DF-GTI-DC01,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dhomolog\2Cdc\3Drnp,cn=mapping tree,*
    * cn=config*
    *objectClass: top*
    *objectClass: nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement*
    *description: Sync with HOMOLOG DF-GTI-DC01*
    *cn: AD - DF-GTI-DC01*
    *nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree: dc=homolog,dc=rnp*
    *nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree: dc=homolog,dc=rnp*
    *nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled: on*
    *nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled: on*
    *nsds7WindowsDomain: homolog.rnp*
    *nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=homolog,dc=rnp*
    *nsDS5ReplicaHost: gti-df-dc01.homolog.rnp*
    *nsDS5ReplicaPort: 636*
    *nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: CN=Conta de sincronizacao do AD com LDAP
    * ,DC=homolog,DC=rnp*
    *nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: SSL*
    *nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: SIMPLE*
    * IrTGc5Q1BURw==}y3eiY+wIKrDUOvz08JXugA==*
    *nsds5replicareapactive: 0*
    *nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart: 20160517125737Z*
    *nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd: 20160517125737Z*
    *nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Replica acquired successfully:
    Incremental upd*
    * ate started*
    *nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress: FALSE*
    *nsds5replicaLastInitStart: 20160517124301Z*
    *nsds5replicaLastInitEnd: 20160517125236Z*
    *nsds5replicaLastInitStatus: 1 connection error: operation failure
    - Total upda*
    * te aborted*
    *In this testing environment, I just have 2012 r2 (I upgraded all
    DCs to 2012). Right now, I don't have any 2008 r2 to test. *
    *In my production environment I have:*
    *389-ds-base + Windows 2008 r2*

    On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:02 PM, Noriko Hosoi <nho...@redhat.com
    <mailto:nho...@redhat.com>> wrote:

        On 05/16/2016 01:01 PM, Alberto Viana wrote:
        I'm trying to setup a new scenario with 389 and AD 2012 R2
        (So far I'm using with AD 2008 R2 and everything works fine).
        Did you use the same version of 389-ds-base against AD on 2008
        R2 and 2012 R2?
        389-Directory/ <> B2016.063.1654
        Please share the output frpm this command line "rpm -q

        Windows 2012 R2 64bits
        Both 2008 R2 and 2012 R2 are supported.
        After configure the AD replication and Initiate a full sync,
        it starts to do some entries and I got the following error:

        [16/May/2016:16:36:47 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows
        sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636):
        windows_process_total_add: Cannot replay add operation.
        Does this error message follow some other detailed error
        messages?  Such as ...

            YOUR_AGREEMENT_NAMEFailed to send %s operation: LDAP error


            YOUR_AGREEMENT: Received error [%s] when attempting to %s
            entry [%s]: Please correct the attribute specified in the
            error message.  Refer to the Windows Active Directory docs
            for more information.

        If not, could you enable the replication log level and share
        the error log with us?

        And after that:

        [16/May/2016:16:36:47 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows
        sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): Replica
        has no update vector. It has never been initialized.
        [16/May/2016:16:36:47 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows
        sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): Replica
        has no update vector. It has never been initialized.
        [16/May/2016:16:36:51 -0300] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows
        sync - agmt="cn=AD - DF-GTI-DC01" (gti-df-dc01:636): Replica
        has no update vector. It has never been initialized.

        I found a really old ticket that seems to be related to same

        This is a regression only affected 389-ds-base-1.3.1.x.  So,
        1.3.4.x does not need the patch.

        but with win2008r2 and fixed.

        According to this link ->

        2012 R2 is supported, is that true?
        Could you also share your Windows Sync agreement?  Do you
        happen to have 2 Directory Servers -- one for 2008R2 and
        another for 2012R2, could you provide both?

        Any clues?

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