I did look at this because I thought that the problem might be here but not. In 
this regard (Sharing & Permissions) the "quarantined" and the "non-quarantined" 
versions of the zip file are the same. 

There is another section in the Get Info panel -- "More Info" where there is a 
bit of "metadata" called Where from: which tells you from where the 
"quarantined" version was downloaded.

Non-quarantined version does not have this (Obviously because it was not 
downloaded from anywhere)

> On Nov 14, 2016, at 8:26 AM, Peter Bozek <peter.bo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you check the access rights you have? Click on application and select
> menu File -> Get Info (or command - I.) At the bottom you will find a
> Permissions tab with table showing who has the rights to read and write
> rights. From your description, it seems you have only read but not write
> rights.

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