Sorry Chip, I don’t know, I was paraphrasing the docs:

"This also applies to apps installed via ZIP or other archive formats or apps 
downloaded to the Downloads directory: ask the user to drag the app to 
/Applications and launch it from there."

Full quote:
Shipping your Signed Code
The preferred way to ship a signed app is via the Mac App Store. The Mac App 
Store provides a secure channel for app delivery and installation that requires 
minimal action on the part of the user.

For distribution outside of the Mac App Store, the preferred options are to use 
a signed disk image (DMG) or signed installer package. Signing these allows 
validation of the contents and their source. ZIP archives may also be used, but 
this is discouraged.

If using a disk image to ship an app, users should drag the app from the image 
to its desired installation location (usually /Applications) before launching 
it. This also applies to apps installed via ZIP or other archive formats or 
apps downloaded to the Downloads directory: ask the user to drag the app to 
/Applications and launch it from there.

This practice avoids an attack where a validly signed app launched from a disk 
image, ZIP archive, or ISO (CD/DVD) image can load malicious code or content 
from untrusted locations on the same image or archive. Starting with macOS 
Sierra, running a newly-downloaded app from a disk image, archive, or the 
Downloads directory will cause Gatekeeper to isolate that app at a unspecified 
read-only location in the filesystem. This will prevent the app from accessing 
code or content using relative paths.

Do not ship apps using ISO images. There is no provision for signing these.

Important: Starting with macOS Sierra, only XIP archives signed by Apple will 
be expanded. Developers who have been using XIP archives will need to move to 
using signed installer packages or disk images.

^Notice above it specifically mentions moving the application to the 
/Applications directory....

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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