also notice this si specifically referencing "Signed Applications"

On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:36:28 +0100, Timothy Penner wrote:
> Sorry Chip, I don’t know, I was paraphrasing the docs:
> "This also applies to apps installed via ZIP or other archive formats 
> or apps downloaded to the Downloads directory: ask the user to drag 
> the app to /Applications and launch it from there."
> Full quote:
> ----------
> Shipping your Signed Code
> The preferred way to ship a signed app is via the Mac App Store. The 
> Mac App Store provides a secure channel for app delivery and 
> installation that requires minimal action on the part of the user.
> For distribution outside of the Mac App Store, the preferred options 
> are to use a signed disk image (DMG) or signed installer package. 
> Signing these allows validation of the contents and their source. ZIP 
> archives may also be used, but this is discouraged.
> If using a disk image to ship an app, users should drag the app from 
> the image to its desired installation location (usually 
> /Applications) before launching it. This also applies to apps 
> installed via ZIP or other archive formats or apps downloaded to the 
> Downloads directory: ask the user to drag the app to /Applications 
> and launch it from there.
> This practice avoids an attack where a validly signed app launched 
> from a disk image, ZIP archive, or ISO (CD/DVD) image can load 
> malicious code or content from untrusted locations on the same image 
> or archive. Starting with macOS Sierra, running a newly-downloaded 
> app from a disk image, archive, or the Downloads directory will cause 
> Gatekeeper to isolate that app at a unspecified read-only location in 
> the filesystem. This will prevent the app from accessing code or 
> content using relative paths.
> Do not ship apps using ISO images. There is no provision for signing these.
> Important: Starting with macOS Sierra, only XIP archives signed by 
> Apple will be expanded. Developers who have been using XIP archives 
> will need to move to using signed installer packages or disk images.
> ----------
> ^Notice above it specifically mentions moving the application to the 
> /Applications directory....
> -Tim
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