Thanks a lot, Tim.

This worked for me.

My app is unsigned. (I do not have an Apple Developer ID)

My "App" when it appeared after being "unzipped" happens to sit in a folder 
with some other files. The zipped file is a folder with the App and a couple 
other files. That just happens to be how I distributed it. Call that folder A

First I tried putting the zipped file in the Application folder and unzipping 
it there and trying to run the App from the folder (A) that it is distributed 
in. That did not work. At this point that folder (A) is a subfolder of the 
Applications folder. And the App is sitting in this subfolder of the 
Applications folder. The magic does not extend into a subfolder.

Then I took the unzipped App itself and took it from its created subfolder(A) 
and put it directly in the Applications folder. Then it DID work. I am very 
grateful to having been pointed to this solution.

Now, for my users, I have to include an additional layer of explanation but at 
least it is doable and I do not have to tell them to do something obscure with 
Terminal or whatever.

Once it has been run once, I can take that App and put it back in the folder A 
and it will continue to work. In fact, I can put it anywhere and it will run. 
Just like any application you might have. Putting apps in the Application 
folder has always been an arbitrary sensible thing to do, but not required. 
Just like putting pictures in the Pictures folder.

This is the first time to my knowledge that the Application folder has some 
special magic to it.

The App will not initially run from the Downloads folder. As best I can tell, 
it will not run from ANY folder other than the Application folder for that 
initial launch. And it cannot be in a subfolder of the Applications folder. It 
has to first be run from the Applications folder itself. 

After that, the App can be put anywhere as best I can tell. . 

I have other apps that I distribute via the Internet using another programming 
environment. (Xojo). Those apps do not have this same problem. The recipient 
can run them from anywhere. So 4D has some other ingredient that allows it to 
be locked up.

This all applies currently to 4D apps downloaded from the Internet. I could 
send someone the zipped 4D file in an email message and currently the recipient 
would not run into any trouble running it from where ever they want.

> On Nov 14, 2016, at 10:04 AM, Timothy Penner <> wrote:
> Solution is to move it to the /Applications/ directory after unzipping it.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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