Have I read this correctly?
If I write a small standalone app, for a friend, zip it and send it to him,
At some time in the future, there will be an Mac OS version which will say
the equivalent of "I'm sorry Dave, I cant let you do that".
Has the world of Apple gone mad?

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Timothy Penner <tpen...@4d.com> wrote:

> > actually - what I was pointing out is that Apple is doing all of this
> security on applications which are (supposedly) 'safe', as in they have
> been signed, presumably by Apple itself.
> > What are they doing to apps that are not signed?
> ^ My thoughts exactly... If the signed code (safer of the two) is being
> quarantined to a read only environment, then just imagine the restrictions
> Apple will put on unsigned code.
> > ANd is this the next step in forcing all applications t use the "app
> store" and the forced end of most "free form" programming?  (4D databases
> would fall into this category)
> ^ We will just have to wait and see what Apple changes next....
> Kind Regards,
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