> Is there any way to have the button click send a message to a (web) server 
> without having a web page open?

If you were just trying to track if the message was displayed I would say use 
an IMG tag instead of the A tag, that would allow your web server to get the 
request each time the IMG tag is displayed without a web browser being opened. 
Of course this would not work if the email client is configured to not display 
images or receive in plain text.

I don’t think the IMG tag approach would work properly for a 'click here to 
confirm/agree' button.
I think you will need to link to an actual page using an A tag for that button 
to respond to a click event.

You could include JavaScript in the HTML response that 4D sends back to close 
the window,
For example, make sure that
 returns HTML that runs window.close on load.
But this will still open the web browser, and if the web browser has JavaScript 
disabled then the window would not close.


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