> On Oct 6, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I do this:
> <>Doc_Ref:=Open Document

Great idea. That is unless you think global variables are evil ;-)

As any one working in 4D for any length of time knows, you have to close a 
document as soon as possible, immediately is not too early. So the issue should 
only be one faced during development. Deployed, the developer should have 
insured that a file would never be left open inadvertently.  I think this is 
where David has run into problems with his logging efforts and workers.

That being said, I think Chip has hit the nail on the head with regard to 
David’s issue with file locking and workers. Files do not unlock when any type 
of process dies unless they were explicitly unlocked before the process died. 
Why would it be any different with workers?

We developers have learned to work around this poor behavior without complaint 
forever so David’s request for a fix is given a priority so low it may never 
bubble up to the top. 


John Baughman
Kailua, Hawaii
(808) 262-0328

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