according to the bug description for ACI0098368 ("Delayed processes do not wake 
up if paused/resumed while already delayed"),

it's not that the DELAY P. has a problem resuming,
the problem manifests itself when the codes pauses a process that is already in 
"delay" status.
a double resume is required to cancel a delay-double combo.

> In v16 the runtime explorer shows the following:
> - start process: Executing
> - delay process (3600 ticks): Delayed
> - pause process (within the delay time): Delayed
> - resume process (within the delay time): Paused (!)
> - resume process or delay process (0 ticks): Executing
> So in v16, there is an additional RESUME PROCESS that is required to kick the 
> process back into gear.

so as long as you use pause & resume, or delay (with no interference), 
everything should be OK.

but mixing delay, pause, resume in a complex sequence could mean trouble.
the good news is that the bug described above is on course to be fixed.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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