On Aug 16, 2018, at 9:01 AM, Tom Benedict wrote:

> Thanks for the report Tim. I'm very impressed that anyone is doing 
> development on 4D Server over the internet.

This has only become possible in the last maybe 5 years due to the increases in 
internet speeds, and the changes 4D has made to optimize network traffic 
between 4D Server and 4D Client. I believe the new network layer is a major 
contributor to this. 

Trying to do what we have been doing 10 years ago with a 10 Mbps down and 1Mbps 
up internet connection would have been a horrible experience. 

The 4D Server that I’m connecting to has 1Gbps up and 1Gbps down internet 
connection. My brother has Google gigabit internet access that is 1Gbps up and 
1Gbps down. I’ve connected to this 4D Server and it is almost like being on a 
LAN. Completely usable and a good experience. 

I’ve been told 1Gbps service is coming to my area later this year. I’ll 
definitely upgrade to that. 

> When deployed does your app use 4D Client or does it have a web front end? I 
> ask because in our experience 4D performance over a WAN was intolerable. 
> Minutes to open a record. But that involved long queries and loading records 
> from multiple tables and executing lots of code/forms/etc. We also were 
> dealing with tables with millions of records and 200 - 300 concurrent users. 
> Our app may not be typical though.

The production database does not use 4D Client to connect to 4D Server. It uses 
a custom REST server over http. It was designed from the beginning to be fast 
one a WAN on the internet. We have no speed issues in production. I’m only 
talking about development work with 4D Server/4D Client and using the Design 
environment and doing some testing of development work. 

Some operation are super slow still going over the WAN as opposed to a LAN. 
These have not been optimized. Liberal use of the “Execute on server” method 
property and rewriting some code to reduce network traffic would speed these 
areas up. When we run across a “slow” area that we are “sensitive” about, we 
take some time to make changes and have seen the performance improve. But 
hardly ever is it exactly the same speed as on a LAN. We accept that. We just 
want it to be usable when doing development and testing. 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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