There are a couple of recent posts on the 4D Blog related to exporting 4D 
methods and forms as text as a new feature in v17R3: 
<> and 

I don’t have access to R releases, so I’m wondering whether anyone knows if 
this feature does more than the export we’ve been able to do since v12/14 via 
various versions of VC_Framework. Is this simply a higher level of integration 
with the app or does it actually offer more functionality?

I’m trying to understand how it supports team development on 4D Server. Among 
other things, I want to track all changes to all objects so I know who changed 
what and when they made the change. Reviewing the Export structure file command 
and the table which describes the exported files, it’s not clear whether the 
files are tagged with 'mod date' and 'mod by' values. 

In the past I have used Method_History component which is triggered by macros 
whenever a method is modified and saves a copy of the method to a db table 
(internal or external). That data could then be used to view the edit history 
of any method by date/time and user and compare different versions using a diff 
tool. It was great for code reviews and troubleshooting. I was also a good 
starting point when writing Release Notes.

The documentation also states:

        This command can be used in the following contexts only:
4D in local mode or 4D Server (an error is returned if it is called from 4D in 
remote mode)
So maybe I can’t do what I want on 4D Server? Maybe I need to have developers 
working with 4D in local mode?

Thanks for any comments on this or on the state in general of Version Control, 
Source Code Management and Release Management in 4D.

Tom Benedict

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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