Koen Van Hooreweghe via 4D_Tech wrote:

>Could you try changing this line
>       [Invoice]Invoice_WP:=[Preferences]Preference_Object
>to this:
>       [Invoice]Invoice_WP:=ob copy([Preferences]Preference_Object)

I can feel the fog slowly lifting! Now I remember hearing that this is the way 
objects work. I have a LOT to learn about objects and the occasional kick in 
the butt to get me on the right track again.

Thanks Koen!

   Tom Dillon                                      375 S Main St #405
   DataCraft                                           Moab, UT 84532
   tomdil...@datacraft-inc.com                           720/209-6502
          The butterfly will only land on you after you stop
          grabbing for it. --- Sunastar

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