Ok thanks for the link Jim.

Essentially what 4D is saying (and it makes sense) is that the BLOB will
need a contiguous block of memory and so if memory is fragmented and no
block large enough exists 4D rejects the entire upload. That may be why I
was getting inconsistent limits on different days.

To break it up in chunks is not a solution I am looking for. I will be
looking into FTP. My users will be needing to click on a button on a form to
upload documents. I have other problems of which one is that there has to be
a button for each specific document uploaded as it has to go into a specific
folder. Naming the button gives me that ability. There the problem is that
thye could select many documents before uploading any of them and then any
"submit" button would Post the form and there comes all these documents at
once (so now that memory issue is increased even more). I am looking into
the selection and upload being one operation and not 2. Which would force
the upload everytime instead of waiting for a Post event.

Got some research to do.


Jim Labos - infobase
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