On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 09:14:19AM +0000, Andy Gaskell wrote:
> I guess on the same note we should move stuff off hackerdeen.org onto the
> same server as everything else.

Yes, moving the hub to garioch (our current VPS) has been on my TODO
list for ages. I can easilly set up the python part of hackhub there
but the actual user credentials are in LDAP rather than the main DB, I
don't know what I'm doing setting the LDAP server up and have never
quite gotten motivated enough to learn. If anybody who does know what
they're doing woulf like to help that would be much appreciated. 

> On 8 January 2015 at 01:50, Iain R. Learmonth <i...@fsfe.org> wrote:
> > With the current number of pages on the wiki, 192MB of RAM is
> > required to hold the full triplestore. This will grow as the wiki
> > does, but I do not see it using more than 2GB for at least a
> > year. Obviously, allow extra RAM for the OS and stuff. I would
> > recommend at least 2 cores being available for the wiki if you
> > want it to be as responsive as it currently is.

Garioch is currently provided by bitfolk for free. It's their base
spec VPS so has 480MiB of memory. 

It's currently sitting with a bit over 200MiB free so the new wiki
would probably fit in it without any upgrades. That would make it
"full" though and we could easilly get past "full" with the wiki

Adding more memory would cost £2.50 per 240MiB (or less if you pay for
more than a month at a time - I'd vote for going for at least
quarterly to save someone having to pay it every month). This looks to
be cheapest option, at least for the short term till we need to add
lots more memory. Taking the server to 2640MiB would be £22.50/month
and I think somewhere around there there are probably cheaper options.

Iain, what happens when the wiki gets bigger than available memory?
Does it just get slow or actually stop working? I'm wondering if/how
much we need to over provision and monitor resources to protect
against this.


Robert McWilliam     r...@allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

Accident, n.: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but
 absence of body is better.

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