On Nov 8, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Bruce Ellis wrote:
I wrote a functional 9P S3 client but it just seemed silly in the end.
Buy a few T of disk and fossil+venti and it's over. Even aging kenfs
will do.

The most ironic thing of all is that one would expect a company which
stood behind a technology like ZFS to easily appreciate that. Especially
since we've always had a userland ZFS. And especially now, that
we are trying to figure out a cloud storage market story. But no.

Now, not to date myself as a green youngling, but how are PHBs
to be convinced? They hear about 9P for the first time in their
life (unlike bullshit lotto items: WebDAV, XML, SOAP and REST) and
when they ask about *existing* client-side support there's not much I can
tell them.

Network effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect) at its worst?


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