On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The most ironic thing of all is that one would expect a company which
> stood behind a technology like ZFS to easily appreciate that. Especially
> since we've always had a userland ZFS. And especially now, that
> we are trying to figure out a cloud storage market story. But no.

you had a userland nfs too :-)

> Now, not to date myself as a green youngling, but how are PHBs
> to be convinced? They hear about 9P for the first time in their
> life (unlike bullshit lotto items: WebDAV, XML, SOAP and REST) and
> when they ask about *existing* client-side support there's not much I can
> tell them.

It's not just the PHBs. I showed the original 9p (for 2.0.36) in 1998
to a fair number of linux people, and back then I had private name
spaces, union mounts, user level servers, in fact just about all you
get in plan 9 today and STILL don't get in linux.

They were strongly convinced there was no use for userland file
systems, or union mounts, or private name spaces, or any of this
stuff. They kept pointing to things that Linux did that were not at
all what I was showing them, saying "we already do that". At some
point I gave up. Years later, FUSE comes along, and ... well you know
the story.

So it goes. We can't blame the PHBs for everything. Sometimes its our own guys.


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