In article <bb8e3a2e5419e566d0361...@[]>,
Eris Discordia <> wrote:
>I think I am sure C
>was a lot easier to learn and comprehend than either Pascal

Might depend how you define easier.

>What seems to distinguish--pedagogically, at least--C is, as I noted on
>that other thread, its closeness to how the small computer, not the actual
>small computer but the mental model of a small computer, works. Pointers?
>They're just references to "pigeonholes" in a row of such holes. Scope?
>It's just how long your variables are remembered. Invocation? Just a way to
>regurgitate your own cooking. If one has to solve a problem, implement an
>algorithm, on a small computer one needs to be able to explain it in terms
>of the primitives available on that computer. That's where C shines.
>There's a close connection between language primitives and the primitives
>of the underlying computer. I'm not saying this is something magically
>featuring in C--it's a property that _had_ to feature in some language some
>time, C became that. In a different time and place, on different machines,
>another language would/will be that (and it shall be called C ;-))

It is indeed true that C can "hug the hardware" and the rest is
history as they say.  However, to implement an algorithm solely
based upon the primitive of a computer, if I understand you,
I can't agree to as a carte blanche statement.

>...There's a great deal of arbitrariness in how a computer language
>might look. It is epistemologically, aesthetically, and pragmatically
>advantageous to "remove arbitrariness" by fitting a language to either its
>target platform or its target problem, preferably both. C did and continues
>to do so, LISP doesn't (not anymore, to say the least).

These bits and piece do come into play, however, I think your
conclusion greatly exaggerates the situation, at least as I
understand what you said.
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