> On the other hand: doesn't individual development suffers from at least two 
> problems?
> (1) lack of a common vision leading to potentially widely divergent and 
> incompatible solutions
> (2) lack of sufficient energy (manpower etc.) behind any given project 
> development to make any real headway.
> Presumably there's a happy medium between supreme bloat and minimalism?

Look into the farm studies of Poland.

Individual work has a benefit no community work can have; honor. That product's 
success or failure is going to affect the image of who created it. When an 
individual creates a product, it has a desire to see it succeed. When a group 
creates a product, they have a desire to get their paychecks.

You can be right about the manpower issue. In no way could on man build a 
bridge, but one man can build efficient software.

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