On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, John Floren wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Duke Normandin <dukeofp...@ml1.net> wrote:

> > What is the minimum HDD capacity required to run an Auth/cpu/fs server
> > with Venti support?
> There's no hard and fast rule, really, but your Fossil partition needs
> to be at least big enough to hold the full distribution, and Venti
> should be big enough to hold everything you ever intend to put on the
> system.

The Fossil partition being the partition where Plan9 will be running.
Venti should then be on another partition?

> I wouldn't try it with less than a 20 GB disk, with say 2 GB for
> Fossil and the rest for Venti; unless you start storing music and
> video on there, that should give you plenty of room to work with.

Ok! Can Venti be managed? As in, every so often, purge what isn't

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