While not exactly the same, http://guacamole.sourceforge.net/ might be
a good starting point for what would need to be done.....  There are
actually several variations of this around (vnc in javascript).  Not
sure which would be the most simple as a starting point.


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:00 AM, Adrian Tritschler <a...@ajft.org> wrote:
> If this can be done
> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/05/17/0242244/Boot-Linux-In-Your-Browse
> then how about drawterm in javascript?  Serve it over http and access
> your CPU server from anywhere that's got a web browser.
> Anyone up for a challenge?
> Sorry, I'll be quiet now
> --
> Adrian
> Screw the environment. Print this email immediately. Then burn it
> without reading it.

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