David du Colombier <0in...@gmail.com> writes:

> I started a port of Fossil to plan9port few months ago.

> Beware this is not exactly the Plan 9 Fossil. This is the modified
> Fossil I use on Plan 9. This Fossil is based on libventi and

> I considered it is too experimental to be submitted to plan9port,
> but the patches are available online:

>From this, I understand that you've concocted an alpha (beta?) version
of fossil for plan9port.  I'm wondering: Is the on-disk format of this
"modified Fossil" compatible with P9 fossil?  If so, it might work as
the Plan9-Linux-universal file system the OP's looking for after all
(less any bugs he might encounter in such young code).

> I hope to fix all of these problems in the future. The lack of
> console is obviously a big issue.

For the OP's purposes (sharing an fs between Plan 9 and Linux), this
might actually be tenable.  The fossil console is typically used for
administrative tasks, not generally during routine use (i.e., just
storing and reading back files).  If the OP's needs for fossilcons can
wait until he's at a P9 box, it might be a practical setup... at least
until the console is ported.

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