> there are two ways you can get a short name to work
> - use a sys=xyz entry.  if you also want to use dns to
> reach this node it would be conventional to have sys=xyz dom=xyz.dom.

That was the first thing I did. My tipical entry en ndb looks like:

ip= ether=jhgsfs7sfs788 sys=akenaton dom=akenaton.amarna.net
ip= ether=jhgsfs45dfdff1 sys=nefertiti

And still doesn;t work for short names.
I even tried something like:

dom=amarna.net soa=
    refresh=3600 ttl=3600
    cname=akenaton.amarna.net dom=akenaton
    cname=nefertiti.amarna.net dom=nefertiti

To see if using an alias (cname) in the dom info solved the case, but
there is no way the server can solve short names for the terminal

I tried at the terminal:

> akenaton
!dns: resource does not exist; negrcode 0
> akenaton.amarna.net
akenaton.amarna.net ip

See? It seems everything is well configured, but still no short name
What puzzles me more is, the same dnsquery used at the server give
identical good results for both the short and large names:

> akenaton
akenaton.amarna.net ip
> akenaton.amarna.net
akenaton.amarna.net ip

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