
On 19.07.2014 13:20, Riddler wrote:
3. Contrib packages are tied to people; there is no common repository.
 >     This leads to the situation where you can't update a package
of a long gone user.
>     Please tell me how many Mercurial packages you can find in Contrib!

I don't see how a repository would fix this. When the user is gone
you would still lose the only person with write access to the repo.
You would need to fork it. The only difference is now people just copy

Well, it takes 1 minute to "hg mv" a project from long_gone_user/project to contrib/project. As it is now, I have to convince the master to *create* the central contrib repository, then to copy the project there etc. Moreover, as the stuff is now spread all around, it is hard to set up a nightly build for all the stuff.

As I said, the status quo is perfect for a small team, but I doubt that is encourages the project to get some traction.

I maintain my impression that the Status Quo, though good for a small team, does not allow the project to grow.
 > Were there any efforts to change this?
 > Or is it a controversial matter and it stays as it is?
 > Or is the team indeed so small (or even loosing members), s.t.
that a change won't make sense?

In the short time I've been here I think its came up twice. So it is
something at least some people are interested in looking at. I'm sure
it will keep coming up.

I could help (a bit, time permitting), but I think that the most important thing is to get support from the current project maintainers (the people you submit patches to).
This discussion can only be started by the veterans.
I think that a solution that does not increase the burden on the current volunteer maintainers is possible.

What do you people think?

Kind Regards,

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