> Hi,
> thanks to the suggestion erik gave me I was able to compile the kernel:
> I just needed to switch from memcpy to memmove into /sys/src/libip/parseip.c 
> and recompile libip
> and then recompile also /sys/src/libc

I can't see why this should have been necessary - libc contains memcpy
already.  I have just updated /n/sources/xen/xen3 so it compiles with
the current Plan 9 kernel source (using Xen 3.0.2).  I made the other
changes you listed, but I didn't have to do anything about memcpy.

> I moved the kernels to the Xen machine but all of them crashes just after the 
> message 
> "Started domain plan9"
> Am I missing something?

The present Plan 9 xen kernel works with Xen 3.0.x; you said you are using Xen 
Xen is not known for the consistency of its interfaces from one release to the
next, so it is quite possible that some rewriting needs to be done on the Plan 9
side to deal with changes in Xen semantics.

Have you enabled verbose debugging messages on the Xen console?  You should see
some indication of why the plan9 guest crashed.

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