James Allwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Since Playford published his collections of music several centuries ago,
> you are pretty safe in assuming the copyright has expired.

Yes, but it might be construed that there is copyright on editorial
changes within the transcription, which may be more or less obvious.

A lot of Playford stuff is available from the US Library of Congress
(they have a special page on the history of dancing, the URL of which
escapes me right now), so one could go back right to the original
sources to make sure that the ABCs in question are `uncontaminated'.

Anselm Lingnau .......................................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From a limp beginning, the erotic information processing market has been rising
in recent years and is now quite firm, although the recession has created some
soft spots.                              -- Tom Betz, in rec.humor.funny (1989)

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