On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

> I. Oppenheim wrote:
> >I think that the !...! format is also very useful, and
> >that we should keep it in the standard, in peaceful
> >coexistence with your macro facility.
> I could probably live with the !...! format, although I don't like it*

We know you don't like it, but there are others who do
like the !...! notation, including myself. And since I
like your macro facility as well, I propose to include
both features in the upcomming ABC standard.

Is that acceptable to you Phil? Do other people on this
list agree?

Regarding the bangs, they are really necessary because
one should be able to insert symbols without first
assigning them to a macro. Yes, I know this looks ugly,
but only when a symbol is used numerous times is it
worthwile to first assign it to a macro. Phil, I hope
you can live with that.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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