On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

> >> 5. No mention of midline
> >What do you mean?
> Sorry, I abandoned a comment and forgot to complete
> it. I am thinking of the midline field in Clefs.

I'm not sure what you mean.

[K: clef=bass] or [K: bass] is legal.

> I should have said non-Multiple Voiced Music: ie that which does not
> have any V: fields. All your clef definitions are in the Multiple Voice
> music section, so how to write the clef for viola music is not clear.

The standard says in the key section:
<<See section Clefs for details how to change the clef
using the K field.>>

And in the clef section:
<<A clef specification may be provided in K: and V:

So [K: clef=alto] or [K: alto] will do the job.

I guess I should make this clearer in the standard.

> "Strange" key sigs such as the above (while clear in
> intent) are very non-standard. Are they really
> necessary? I've never played from one and would
> actually find it very difficult to play _b ^f

They are non standard in Western music, but you will
find something like [K:D _b _e ^f] often in e.g.
Klezmer (Ahavoh Rabboh) or Arabic music (Maqam Hedjaz).

> Anyway: have you abandoned the "global accidentals" idea?

Most people on the list seemed to prefer "explicit
accidentals" over "global accidentals".

Of course, we could introduce a %% directive like
%%global-accidentals 1
to change the standard interpretation of the [K:]

Should I add that?

 Irwin Oppenheim

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