On Jan 21, 2004, at 12:49 PM, John Chambers wrote:
I also googled around a bit for the  notation  that  people
use  for  quarter-tone accidentals.  I did find a number of
other symbols.  The symbols now in jcabc2ps do seem  to  be
the most common, according to google, but that doesn't mean

Yeah, my music knowledge is really very specific...I
do seem to recall that the synthetic music people use some other symbols...

I have wondered about another hack to allow for reading  in
a PS routine for an accidental.  The PS routines are really
just boilerplate, hard-coded into the C (syms.c)  now.   It
doesn't  seem like it would be too difficult to add a table
of the modifiable symbols, document their names, and add an
option  to read them in from a file.  This would let people
use  different  forms  of  at  least  some  symbols.    The
definition  would  probably  need to include the height and
width of an ornament, so the code would know how much space
to give it.

But I haven't tried it yet.  It does seem like it would mean
a bit of surgery on the output routines.

Yes, I considered doing that, but took the shortest path in my rush to see a printed page. :-)

This does  seem  like  a  possibly  desirable  use  of  the
substitution-type  "macro".   I've  seen microtone notation
that uses an assortment of symbols.  If we allowed notation
like  ^3/24, people might not always want to type all that.
If you could define, say, P to be ^3/24, then you could use
P  for  that  sharp.   But  I'm  not  sure if current macro
expanders will allow for redefining accidentals this way.

I agree the macro would be nice. But I think for most middle eastern music you wouldn't tend to write too many half-flat/sharp accidentals in the body -- you would tend to put them in the key signature. Hm... I guess if you wanted good MIDI rendering of modulations you might do that though... and the electronic music goobs would like it...


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