Jack Campin comments:
| > Well, for staff notation, my Tune Finder shouldn't have  any  probem.
| > It  will  produce  the the title, composer, etc, and no staff. [...]
| > As for sound files, I use abc2midi, which  produces  a  really  short
| > file if there's no tune body.  That's about all it can do, I suppose.
| > But it doesn't fail.
| These aren't the most helpful behaviours.  The user is left guessing
| as to why they got an empty staff or silent MIDI file.  An explicit
| notation to say the body was meant to be empty, passed onwards through
| the pipeline, would reassure them that nothing had gone wrong and give
| them a better idea of what to do next - i.e. read the ABC source.
| One place this information might be displayed is in the Tune Finder
| index itself, in the field that lists the fields present in the tune.

You're right.  In fact, I've had a  number  of  email  queries  about
apparent  failures  that  were  due to "tunes" that lacked any notes.
Sometimes this was intentional, sometimes it was because the file was
double spaced.  It would be useful to have an indication of this.

The  problem  is how best to say this.  The Tune Finder's results are
already getting rather wide, and don't work  well  on  small  devices
such as handhelds.  This could make the outputt even wider.

There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for "no notes".
This field already uses a double quote to indicate that accompaniment
chords are present. I wonder if there's a good single char that could
stand for "notes", or maybe for "no notes"?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk)
could be used for this, as it doesn't seem to have any other use, and
it is conventionally used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.   The
program could actually include a footnote that looks like:
  * Headers only, no notes present

This would be somewhat subtle, but could get across the idea that the
"tune" has a problem.

Anyone have a good suggestion of other compact ways to say "This tune
contains no actual music"?

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