Actually you can otherwise move browser tabs. You can pin and un-pin browser tabs. Does this make it seem to fit better?


On 30/11/10 10:11 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
Is "pinned" a widely used GUI concept? It brings to mind something that is movable but currently fixed at a certain position, i.e. it conveys two concepts, neither of which seems to exactly fit the scenario given by David. It seems "permanent" (or "persistent") would be a better word.


James Teh wrote:
On 19/11/2010 5:23 AM, David Bolter wrote:
In Firefox 4 betas you can pin browser tabs. This means that the tab
will become a permanent tab that is visually distinct and appears
together with other pinned tabs to the left of the regular tabs.
It's worth noting that this is not an application specific concept. It
appears elsewhere (e.g. Windows 7 taskbar and Start menu) and will
probably continue to appear in new applications as well.

So, create an IA2_STATE_PINNED or expose an object attribute?
My vote is for the state. This is a boolean state, so a state makes
sense. In addition, having it as an object attribute when it could be a
state suggests that it is an application specific hack, and is this
case, it probably shouldn't be implemented as a boolean value at all.

The practical problem with exposing it as a state is that we need a
revision to the IA2 IDL, which may take time that Firefox 4 doesn't have.


*Pete Brunet*

a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
(512) 238-6967 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
Skype: pete.brunet
IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), (MSN)
Ionosphere: WS4G

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