On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer <cl...@alum.mit.edu>

> Btw, Joseph, I didn't really suggested to change GTK+ mappings :)
> Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that.  The point was that the mapping
> for placeholder for GTK (desktop) widgets is inconsistent with widgets in
> webpages, and that the HTML mapping spec is not backward compatible with
> that.

That might be ok. I even think that AT can have handle both scenarios by
same script. In Windows world there's no way (yet) to get a placeholder so
I can hardly see that being consistent with GTK+ as an option for them. If
we did that then we would regressed the web. Btw, is it a normal case in
GTK+ to have widgets with placeholder and no name?

> Put another way:  the proposed mapping of aria-placeholder is backward
> compatible with GTK mappings.

What is proposed mapping? placeholder object attribute and no
name/description? I'd say aria-placeholder should be rather compatible with
HTML5 placeholder than GTK.

Joanie wrote:
>  FWIW, it was made years ago and by several developers (which I point out
>> simply because this isn't something I just decided for this new mapping
>> which we could turn around and change in order to be closely synced).
>>  changing it there now obviously isn't an option. In that case,
>>> this discussion is purely academic for you.
>> As long as Alex agrees, then you are correct regarding it being purely
>> academic for me.
> There might be a sense in which it isn't purely academic.  *If* we decide
> that aria-placeholder is mapped to the acc name or acc description in
> certain cases, then we should avoid making exceptions based on the a11y
> platform.  The accessible name spec would change near step 2G [1], to
> something like:
> "Otherwise, if the current node has a non-empty aria-placeholder
> attribute, return the value of aria-placeholder".
> But not:
> "Otherwise, if the current node has a non-empty aria-placeholder
> attribute, and the AAPI is not ATK/AT-SPI, return the value of
> aria-placeholder".
> [1] http://w3c.github.io/aria/accname-aam/accname-aam.html#step2G
> --
> ;;;;joseph.
> 'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
>            - G. Bernhardt -
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