These were the original relation names for error message and details
I also have these relationships for ATK/ATSPI:
They are listed in this branch I am working on:
Unless stated otherwise these are what I am putting in the spec. Joanie, I need you an Jamie to settle on whether there is a reverse relationship.
I have opened an issue against the name and description spec. regarding concatenation:
I have included Joseph on CC so that he is aware of the name and description issue. 

Rich Schwerdtfeger
----- Original message -----
From: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by:
Subject: Re: [Accessibility-ia2] aria-details and aria-errormessage mapping
Date: Wed, Aug 24, 2016 10:01 AM
So, Alex, please provide me the name of the two IA2 relationships fore details and error message? I will work with joseph and amelia to look at concatenation of error messages in the description.
Also, Joanie expressed a desire to have reverse relationships for details and error message. I would like you all to give a definitive answer on that. If you decide to go with a reverse relationship then I will need the the names for the spec. 
Keep in mind that after IA2 and ATK/ATSPI we also have to deal with UIA and MacOSX.

Rich Schwerdtfeger
----- Original message -----
From: Joanmarie Diggs <>
To: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Subject: Re: aria-details and aria-errormessage mapping
Date: Wed, Aug 24, 2016 9:52 AM
Hey Rich.

On matters where I have no strong opinion, but Jamie does, I defer to
Jamie. Mapping of aria-details and aria-errormessage for my platform
falls into this category, at least currently. Let's suck it and see.


On 08/24/2016 10:39 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> Alright. I am looking at the ARIA spec. and it does not preclude
> concatenating the strings for error messages. Our name and description
> spec. will take a hit as will the SVG a11y mapping spec. I will need to
> discuss this with Joseph Scheuhammer. Joanie do you support James'
> rational for concatenation?
> We do need separate relationships on the platform for details,
> descriptions, and error messages.
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
>     ----- Original message -----
>     From: James Teh <>
>     To: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
>     Cc:,,
>     Subject: Re: aria-details and aria-errormessage mapping
>     Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2016 8:02 PM
>     Hi Rich,
>     On 24/08/2016 5:14 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
>>     1.There is only one method in each platform to place a
>>     description. If you have describedby and errormessage
>>     relationships which wins?
>     Concatenate, which brings us to:
>>     2. We cannot guarantee that concatenating them both into one big
>>     description will make sense to the user as they were not designed
>>     to work that way. Also, the user might want not want to listen to
>>     them both together.
>     If the field is invalid, we're going to read the error message
>     anyway and it's going to be read as well as the description and any
>     other info. The practical upshot is that we end up with the same
>     result as concatenation.
>>     3. Error messages are typically created as alerts as they pop up
>>     and need to be spoken. So, the user will hear them. The issue is
>>     which one belongs to which form element.
>     When an invalid form element gets focus, I'm guessing it makes sense
>     for the user to receive the error message. That requires it to be
>     stringified.
>>     4. We don't want to have the user agent have to stringify the text
>>     either for performance reasons.
>     It's more performant for a user agent to stringify than it is for an
>     AT. Also, user agents are already stringifying aria-labelledby,
>     aria-describedby, name from content, etc., so that argument doesn't
>     really hold.
>>     So, I would not want you to stringify the error text. The only
>>     times you will need to provide access to the error message is when
>>     you:
>>     1. Have an invalid element (aria-invalid)
>     At which point we need to stringify it. I'm only suggesting that it
>     be stringified by the UA if all conditions are met; invalid,
>     visible, etc.
>>     2. An error message is provided.
>     At which point we also need to stringify it, but in fairness, this
>     will probably be an alert anyway, so I'm less worried about this one.
>     Jamie
>     --
>     James Teh
>     Executive Director, NV Access Limited
>     Ph +61 7 3149 3306
> <>
>     Facebook:
>     Twitter: @NVAccess
>     SIP: <>

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