Hi Rich,

On 24/08/2016 5:14 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
1.There is only one method in each platform to place a description. If you have describedby and errormessage relationships which wins?
Concatenate, which brings us to:

2. We cannot guarantee that concatenating them both into one big description will make sense to the user as they were not designed to work that way. Also, the user might want not want to listen to them both together.
If the field is invalid, we're going to read the error message anyway and it's going to be read as well as the description and any other info. The practical upshot is that we end up with the same result as concatenation.

3. Error messages are typically created as alerts as they pop up and need to be spoken. So, the user will hear them. The issue is which one belongs to which form element.
When an invalid form element gets focus, I'm guessing it makes sense for the user to receive the error message. That requires it to be stringified.

4. We don't want to have the user agent have to stringify the text either for performance reasons.
It's more performant for a user agent to stringify than it is for an AT. Also, user agents are already stringifying aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, name from content, etc., so that argument doesn't really hold.

So, I would not want you to stringify the error text. The only times you will need to provide access to the error message is when you:
1. Have an invalid element (aria-invalid)
At which point we need to stringify it. I'm only suggesting that it be stringified by the UA if all conditions are met; invalid, visible, etc.
2. An error message is provided.
At which point we also need to stringify it, but in fairness, this will probably be an alert anyway, so I'm less worried about this one.


James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
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