On 22/06/2022 14.44, Jason White wrote:
Note also that GTK 4 implements its own accessibility API, which, under Linux, connects directly to the running AT-SPI 2 demon. This approach may be an option in the future when the GTK 4 accessibility support matures. In other words, GTK is migrating away from ATK.

For now, though, maintaining and improving the ATK support would be the best option for Linux users.

I agree that focusing on improving a11y for the gtk3 variant (gtk3 "VCL plugin", which uses ATK) for Linux sounds like a reasonable approach for production use for now until GTK4 a11y matures.

Besides that, I am also looking a bit into improving a11y for the Qt based VCL plugins, but that is far from being in a usable state as of now.

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