Hello Frank,

thanks for the additional information you've provided.
How exactly VoiceOver announces things is not fully under LibreOffice's control, but from what you write, this sounds like this might actually be related to the role (or specific other properties) that LibreOffice sets on the accessibility layer on macOS.

I'll take a closer look once I have access to a macOS development setup.

Best regards,

PS: I've added the accessibility mailing list back to the recipients.

On 2023-10-24 10:02, Frank Becker wrote:
Hello Michael,

Libreoffice does indeed behave differently from Word and Pages. Libreoffice probably 
presents a paragraph as a kind of group that I have to enter first. If I end a line with 
an end of line, then only the line is read out normally. Only when I start a new 
paragraph is the announcement "reduced" read out.

If the cursor is not at the beginning of the line, then the position of the 
cursor is indicated (cursor in word between the characters O and R).

All in all, the behaviour of Libreoffice is annoying. This is because Word 
files are often sent among blind and visually impaired people, for example with 
invitations to an event. And often the word processor is mistaken for a 
typewriter where you press the Enter key at the end of the line.

I would find it better if Libreoffice did not regard paragraphs as a group and 
thus simply read out each line.

Best regards

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