Hello Frank,

On 2023-10-24 10:56, Michael Weghorn wrote:
How exactly VoiceOver announces things is not fully under LibreOffice's control, but from what you write, this sounds like this might actually be related to the role (or specific other properties) that LibreOffice sets on the accessibility layer on macOS.

I'll take a closer look once I have access to a macOS development setup.

I have had the chance to analyze this on macOS.

The announcement of the "collapsed" status/attribute (you wrote "reduced", but for me, VoiceOver said "collapsed" in an English-speaking macOS setup) was caused by a state that was unhelpfully reported by LibreOffice. That's fixed by this change (i.e. will no longer be the case in the next LibreOffice version 24.2):

The fact that "edit text" an the cursor position is reported when switching between paragraphs is probably because LibreOffice is representing each paragraph as a separate object (text area) on the accessibility layer, while Pages and Word on macOS are reporting a single text area object for the whole page from what I can see. That's nothing that's easy to change and there's already this bug report to keep track of it:

Best regards,

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