Hello Michael,

thank you for caring. I wish you a good time.


> Am 24.10.2023 um 10:56 schrieb Michael Weghorn <m.wegh...@posteo.de>:
> Hello Frank,
> thanks for the additional information you've provided.
> How exactly VoiceOver announces things is not fully under LibreOffice's 
> control, but from what you write, this sounds like this might actually be 
> related to the role (or specific other properties) that LibreOffice sets on 
> the accessibility layer on macOS.
> I'll take a closer look once I have access to a macOS development setup.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> PS: I've added the accessibility mailing list back to the recipients.
> On 2023-10-24 10:02, Frank Becker wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> Libreoffice does indeed behave differently from Word and Pages. Libreoffice 
>> probably presents a paragraph as a kind of group that I have to enter first. 
>> If I end a line with an end of line, then only the line is read out 
>> normally. Only when I start a new paragraph is the announcement "reduced" 
>> read out.
>> If the cursor is not at the beginning of the line, then the position of the 
>> cursor is indicated (cursor in word between the characters O and R).
>> All in all, the behaviour of Libreoffice is annoying. This is because Word 
>> files are often sent among blind and visually impaired people, for example 
>> with invitations to an event. And often the word processor is mistaken for a 
>> typewriter where you press the Enter key at the end of the line.
>> I would find it better if Libreoffice did not regard paragraphs as a group 
>> and thus simply read out each line.
>> Best regards
>> Frank

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