So from these comments there is no possibility of this loadstone solution being a viable substitute for Wayfinder. It isn't. So besides signing petitions and so forth, what is being done to attempt preservation of the service in India and elsewhere? According to the man who wrote last week, fifty-six of the petition signers are from India. Are they all on this list? Have any been contacted personally about any plans? Are there any plans? Dipendra, could you weigh in on this please?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Pranav Lal" <> To: "'jean parker'" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:51 AM
Subject: RE: [AI] wayfinder access

Hi Jean,
My answers are inline and are prefixed by my initials.

<snip I find this whole thing most confusing. Are you saying that in order
to go
anywhere for the first time you have to look it up on the internet?
PL] Yes. You need to access the google maps route generator and enter your
source and destination and generate the check points file.
<snip  Suppose you are out somewhere and you spontaneously decide you want
to go somewhere
else you haven't been before.  Is there a way to get a route somehow?
PL] Yes. You can do the whole route downloading on the phone but it is not
easy to do.
<snip If it incorporates Google Maps, Nokia Maps or whatever, does it also
read other
information found on these maps?
PL] Loadstone does not incorporate google or nokia maps. It just uses these
maps to generate output it can use to navigate.

<snip  If a person is standing in a place and
wants to know what's around is it possible to get that information?
PL] In loadstone yes but it depends on the points you have loaded for that

<snip Is this potentially better than Wayfinder Access because presumably
maps are more frequently updated?
PL] Hard to say. Perhaps yes but things like rerouting are not available
using this approach.


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