Hello Francesca,

Thank you for your review, sorry for the long response time.

Version -39 addresses some of your comments

I have replies on the remaining comment as follows below (prefixed with 'LS:')



1. -----

   sufficiently compact.  CBOR is a binary encoding designed for small
   code and message size, which may be used for encoding of self
   contained tokens, and also for encoding payloads transferred in
   protocol messages.

FP: "may be used" make it seem as if CBOR is always optional (even when CoAP is
used). See points 11. and 13. for examples of text that seem to imply that CBOR
is mandatory in some cases.

LS: This is a lower-case "may", so it does not have a normative meaning.
There are indeed cases where CBOR is mandatory (e.g. when CoAP is used).

8. -----

      While the structure and encoding of the access token varies
      throughout deployments, a standardized format has been defined
      with the JSON Web Token (JWT) [RFC7519] where claims are encoded
      as a JSON object.  In [RFC8392], an equivalent format using CBOR
      encoding (CWT) has been defined.

FP: Would it make sense to RECOMMEND the use of JWT when HTTP is used? Or is

LS: I'd rather avoid making general recommendations here, I believe this is 
best handled in the profiles.

9. -----

   parameters.  When profiles of this framework use CoAP instead, it is
   REQUIRED to use of the following alternative instead of Uri-query
   parameters: The sender (client or RS) encodes the parameters of its
   request as a CBOR map and submits that map as the payload of the POST

FP: I think it should be better defined (or at least hinted in this paragraph)
the mapping between the CBOR encoded parameters and the Uri-query parameters:
are they all encoded as CBOR text strings?

LS: The encoding depends on the type of the parameter and is described for each 
parameter individually

11. -----

   The OAuth 2.0 AS uses a JSON structure in the payload of its
   responses both to client and RS.  If CoAP is used, it is REQUIRED to
   use CBOR [RFC8949] instead of JSON.  Depending on the profile, the
   CBOR payload MAY be enclosed in a non-CBOR cryptographic wrapper.

FP: This sentence seems to add a requirement (when CoAP is used, then CBOR must
be used) only for communication from AS to C or RS. I could not find in the
rest of the specification the same type of requirement for the other legs of
communication (C to AS, RS to AS, C to RS). Please let me know if I missed it.

LS: Clarified in other parts of the document that when CoAP is used CBOR MUST 
be used

14. -----

      MUST discard the access token.  If this was an interaction with
      the authz-info endpoint the RS MUST also respond with an error
      message using a response code equivalent to the CoAP code 4.01

FP: This seems to imply that another endpoint could be used to receive an
access token. Is that the case, and if so where is this defined?

LS: The intent is to leave the possibility open for profiles to define other
means of access token transfer, such as e.g. the DTLS profile does in the 

18. -----

         "x" : b64'usWxHK2PmfnHKwXPS54m0kTcGJ90UiglWiGahtagnv8'

FP: noted here since this is the first time it appears, but same comment for
the rest of the document. I think it would make more sense to show examples
where CBOR byte strings are used instead of Base64.

LS: CBOR diagnostic notation allows the use of Base64 encoding, what other 
encoding are you suggesting?

19. -----

   Figure 8 summarizes the parameters that can currently be part of the
   Access Information.  Future extensions may define additional

FP: This is useful! Why not having the same type of figure listing all
acceptable parameters for the request (section 5.8.1)?

LS: Because those paramters depend on the grant type, and with all the existing 
OAuth 2.0 grant types this list would become very long and include a lot of 
parameters that are not very useful for ACE-OAuth. Note that IANA has a very 
nice listing here: 

20. -----

   Header: Created (Code=2.01)
   Content-Format: "application/ace+cbor"
     "access_token" : b64'SlAV32hkKG ...
      (remainder of CWT omitted for brevity;
      CWT contains COSE_Key in the "cnf" claim)',
     "ace_profile" : "coap_dtls",
     "expires_in" : "3600",
     "cnf" : {
       "COSE_Key" : {
         "kty" : "Symmetric",
         "kid" : b64'39Gqlw',
         "k" : b64'hJtXhkV8FJG+Onbc6mxCcQh'

       Figure 9: Example AS response with an access token bound to a
                              symmetric key.

FP: Section 3.1 states:

      Symmetric PoP key:
         The AS generates a random symmetric PoP key.  The key is either
         stored to be returned on introspection calls or encrypted and
         included in the token.  The PoP key is also encrypted for the
         token recipient and sent to the recipient together with the

But in the example the key is not encrypted.

LS: Bad phrasing, it is assumed that the communication between client and AS is 
encrypted. I rephrased 3.1. to clarify

21. -----

   o  When using CBOR the raw payload before being processed by the
      communication security protocol MUST be encoded as a CBOR map.

FP: I don't understand "before being processed by the communication security

LS: Bad phrasing, fixed.
22. -----

   o  The Content-Format (for CoAP-based interactions) or media type
      (for HTTP-based interactions) "application/ace+cbor" MUST be used
      for the error response.

FP: Does this mean that CBOR is always used for errors? However in the same

   o  The parameters "error", "error_description" and "error_uri" MUST
      be abbreviated using the codes specified in Figure 12, when a CBOR
      encoding is used.

"when a CBOR encoding is used" so not always?

LS: Exactly, in HTTP-based interactions, the error codes are sent as specified 
in RFC 6749.

23. -----

Sections 5.8.2, 5.8.3, 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.10.1

FP: I found useful that Section 5.8.1 spelled out the encoding when HTTP is
used (See sentence below). I think it would be as useful to have the same type
of phrasing in these and following sections (wherever it is missing now). I
think in general it is very clear in the document what format the message has
when CBOR is used, and it seems that CBOR can be used with HTTP according to
this specification (but not sure it is actually recommended, what are the pros
and cons). In some sections (5.8.2, 5.8.3, etc) it is left to implicit
references to OAuth 2.0 for the implementers to figure out what the encoding is
(and what media type is used), although modifications are added to it.

   When HTTP is used as a transport then the client makes a request to
   the token endpoint by sending the parameters using the "application/
   x-www-form-urlencoded" format with a character encoding of UTF-8 in
   the HTTP request entity-body, as defined in section 3.2 of [RFC6749].

LS: You are right, there seems to be inconsistence or at least some vagueness 
as to the mix-and-match options for CoAP/HTTP  and
CBOR/JSON. Having reconsidered this item I have the following conclusions:
1. The CoAP interactions now require to use CBOR, as it makes no sense using
   JSON with CoAP
2. The HTTP interactions do not need to support CBOR, I have rewritten the 
draft to require the use of whatever format OAuth 2.0 requires, with the new 
parameters added.
3. For the interaction with the authz-info endpoint, the payload of the request
is simply the raw access token both for CoAP and HTTP. Here no changes are 

29. -----

   o  If token or claim verification fails, the RS MUST discard the
      token and, if this was an interaction with authz-info, return an
      error message with a response code equivalent to the CoAP code

FP: Same comment as before, "if this was an interaction with authz-info" - the
alternative needs to be clarified.

LS: See explanation for issue 14.

30. -----

   Errors may happen during this initial processing stage:

   o  If token or claim verification fails, the RS MUST discard the
      token and, if this was an interaction with authz-info, return an
      error message with a response code equivalent to the CoAP code
      4.01 (Unauthorized).


   Next, the RS MUST verify claims, if present, contained in the access
   token.  Errors are returned when claim checks fail, in the order of
   priority of this list:

FP: It seems weird to read first about errors due to claim verification, and
then "Next" discuss claim verification - unless this is two different claim
verifications, in which case I think this needs to be clarified. Also in each

      the RS MUST discard the token.  If this was an interaction with
      authz-info, the RS MUST also respond with a response code
      equivalent to the CoAP code 4.01 (Unauthorized).

Seems like a repeat of the sentence above.

LS: The first bullet was indeed falsely including "claim verification"
which is repeated later, fixed that. Also the first step claims verification 
was indeed a repeat of the verification required before, that is also remedied.

32. -----

   The POST method SHOULD NOT be allowed on children of the authz-info

FP: What children? They do not seem to be defined, so I do not understand this

LS: RESTful resources may have child resources, so there could be 
/authz-info/token1345 and so on. These should not be POST-able.

33. -----

         +  When creating the token, the AS MUST add a 'cti' claim ( or
            'jti' for JWTs) to the access token.  The value of this

FP: Since the use of CWT and JWT are only recommended, it might be good to
rephrase this as to allow for other access token's encodings too.

LS: Rephrased to clarify that this mechanism only works with CWTs and JWTs

34. -----

         +  When creating the token, the AS MUST add a 'cti' claim ( or
            'jti' for JWTs) to the access token.  The value of this
            claim MUST be created as the binary representation of the
            concatenation of the identifier of the RS with a sequence
            number counting the tokens containing an 'exi' claim, issued
            by this AS for the RS.

         +  The RS MUST store the highest sequence number of an expired
            token containing the "exi" claim that it has seen, and treat
            tokens with lower sequence numbers as expired.

FP: A question rather than a comment - I am not sure I understand this. An
"exi" value might be higher for a different token (with a lower sequence
number), so how does the counter of the tokens help? Wouldn't that make the RS
discard a valid token just because it has a lower sequence number?

LS: This is indeed a limitation of this approach, but the underlying assumption
is that tokens for the same RS would typically have the same expiration time,
and therefore the chances of throwing away a valid token would be slim.
The only alternative would be to store all identifiers of expired tokens,
which would create a problem with unbounded memory usage growth.
I added a note explaining this issue.

35. -----

   RS.  Therefore, C must not communicate with an AS if it cannot
   determine that this AS has the authority to issue access tokens for
   this RS.  Otherwise, a compromised RS may use this to perform a

FP: How is C supposed to determine that? Doesn't this sentence make the whole
AS Creation Hints response useless - either the client already knows, or it
doesn't and it must not communicate with it regardless of RS says?

LS: You are right, the way this is phrased the AS Creation Hints would be
useless.  The whole DoS scenario here also seems unlikely since it
requires a large number of clients getting AS Creation Hints from the same 
compromised RS in a very short same timeframe, in such a case the attacker 
could more easily mount a DoS against the AS from the compromised RS. I will 
remove this paragraph.

37. -----

   There may be use cases were different profiles of this framework are
   combined.  For example, an MQTT-TLS profile is used between the
   client and the RS in combination with a CoAP-DTLS profile for
   interactions between the client and the AS.  The security of a
   profile MUST NOT depend on the assumption that the profile is used
   for all the different types of interactions in this framework.

FP: This seems strange - maybe I just don't understand how this is supposed to
work, but each profile defines exactly at least C - RS communication and
security, if several are combined, it seems that at least the C-RS would

LS: You could use one profile for C-RS (e.g. MQTT) and another one for C-AS 
(e.g. DTLS) in the same interaction. So the writer of e.g. the DTLS profile 
MUST NOT make security assumptions that this profile is used on _every_ leg of 
the communication.


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