On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 08:24:25 +1000, Ben Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just wondering why Acegi Security fails on the second pass. Your
> earlier email mentioned a null gets put into the SecureContext, but I'm
> not sure how or why you're seeing this. A debug-level log would be great.
> Best regards
> Ben


The reason it fails, is Weblogic runs the filters again on the same
thread in their current order. So when it starts returning up the
chain of filters that have been run, the second invocation of the
AbstractIntegrationFilter (which was caused by Weblogic applying the
filters a second time because of RequestDispatcher.include())  does
its job of moving the Authentication object from the SecureContext to
the Session. When the filter chain gets back to the first invocation,
there is no Authentication object in the SecureContext, and thus null
essentially removing it from the session. This occurs on lines 157-174
of AbstractIntegrationFilter.

Of the App Servers I have tested (Resin, Jboss/Jetty, Weblogic) only
Weblogic has the behavior of applying the filters again (in the same
thread) to RequestDispatcher.include().

If you have the source of Sitemesh 2.0.1 handy and look at
com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter, starting at line
44, you can see how they deal with this situation by putting a marker
in the session that this filter has already run. Otherwise, they would
get caught in an infinite loop, since that filter later calls

I can look at adding the same sort of code to Acegi and submitting a
patch if you would like. The tricky part will be if someone has more
than one IntegrationFilter going and making sure each of them runs at
least once. But somehow I see that as being a rare case.


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