On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 15:49:56 +1000, Ben Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Patrick
> Thanks for the info.
> People should only be running one AbstractIntegrationFilter subclass,
> although they might run more than one processing filter, such as
> BasicProcessingFilter and AuthenticationProcessingFilter (for form-based
> authentication) in the same web application.
> If you wouldn't mind submitting a patch, I'd be happy to apply it to
> CVS. I'd write it myself, but don't have access to Weblogic to give it a
> full test.
> Best regards
> Ben


Ok, I've got it fixed I think. It passes all the Junit Tests (you'll
see that I had to add in a check for request != null since some of the
tests pass in a null request) and my app now works as expected.

Attached is the patch. I borrrowed the idea from the WebWork project
(including the Variable name ) and wanted to give them full credit.

Let me know if this isn't going to work or if it needs adjustments.

As a side note, as a developer, you can get a 1 year free use of
Weblogic just by downloading the server. That's how I'm able to test
on it.


Attachment: AbstractIntegrationFilter.java.patch
Description: Binary data

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