The schema defines rangeUpper for sAMAccountName at 64. Where are you getting a field size of 20?

All I can say is that they do seem to work fine in our environment and the DS does not reject them, although I am pretty sure the DS rejects requests to create users with sAMAccountName > 20 char. I am unaware of any APIs that aren't working as a result of what we are doing, but it is certainly possible that there are some. What should I check?

I'm almost curious enough to go back and dig into this a bit more, as I remember testing this years ago and coming to the conclusion that we could do this safely, but I don't remember everything I did. :)

Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: Al Mulnick
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Samaccountname attribute (20 char limit) not applicable to gr oups?

I wonder if they do work? or if some of them don't because only the first 20 chars are being looked at/returned by the api's that consume them?

Interesting. That variable is a 20 char variable so I don't see why a loophole of 64 is allowed? Any thoughts?

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