Sure enough, rangeUpper is 256. I'm not sure where I got that 64 thing, but I'm guessing it was from memory and that was not up to the task again.

Anyone else? Is it safe or not for groups to have a sAMAccountName > 20 characters but <= 64? I'm going to assume that users definitely need to be <= 20.

Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: Al Mulnick
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Samaccountname attribute (20 char limit) not applicable to gr oups?

Interesting. The online version I see says rangeupper is 256. Not sure how important that is, but...

Given the purpose of samaccountname I have a hard time believing something doesn't rely on that being 20 chars. Not to say that they haven't been since fixed, but that's too tempting for most folks not to just say, "well, to be usable it's limited to 20 chars and since Microsoft has that number published everywhere, we'll just assume it's 20 chars all the time..." or something like that.


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