ACUPA Members:

Over the past few years, there have been e-list inquiries concerning ACUPA 
member biographics, demographics, and job descriptions. E-list responses tended 
to be limited and inconsistent; however, there is genuine interest in the 
resulting information. To help garner additional member feedback and streamline 
responses concerning the important work we do, and to create a comprehensive 
resource for ACUPA members, a short survey has been created. The survey 
solicits information including, but not limited to, type of ACUPA membership, 
size of institution, salary range, current position information, and reporting 
structure, and gives you the opportunity to provide your current job 
description. Once we have a significant body of information, members will be 
able to access survey results through the ACUPA website. Personal or 
institution-identifying information will be removed and responses will be 
aggregated before any information is shared with the membership. Additionally, 
all questions are optional.

Please consider completing the survey, available at and under the 
"HOME" tab on the ACUPA website. If you choose to participate in this important 
survey, thank you in advance.

Joshua Adams, On Behalf of the ACUPA Board of Directors

Joshua Adams, Cornell University
ACUPA Vice-Chair for Administration
341 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

p: 607.255.8279
f: 607.254.1555

ACUPA 2017<>, June 21-23, 2017 
in Minneapolis

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