ACUPA members,

As you may remember, a few weeks ago we designed a "job survey," which we asked 
members to complete.  The goal is to populate the website with the information 
we receive, as a resource for our members. We expect this data to be very 
useful. To date, fifty-six members have completed the survey.

If you haven't already done so, would you mind taking ten minutes to complete 
the survey? We will be closing it down toward the end of the month, and will 
have the website populated with these statistics by the beginning of 2017.

The survey is available here:  You will have to 
be signed in to complete the survey, so if you need help with your sign-in 
credentials (user name and/or password), feel free to email me directly or 
submit a contact form through the ACUPA site, at

Thanks in advance,
Josh Adams, ACUPA Administration

Joshua Adams, Director
University Policy Office and DFA Communications
Cornell University
341 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

p: 607.255.8279
f: 607.254.1555

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