On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Shlomi Fish<shlo...@iglu.org.il> wrote:
> We hope you enjoy the new site. If you like it, please recommend it to
> your friends - if you don't - let us know and we'll see what we can do. Unless
> mentioned otherwise, all the material on http://perl-begin.org/ is made
> available under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-by) for almost
> unlimited distribution and re-use.

How would you like the replies? I'll just reply all until you tell me otherwise.

3-second reaction: what do you have against my monitor? Ok, so I have
some useless windows open much of the time myself, but that's me. If I
want to splurge and buy myself an excessively large monitor, then
please don't judge me by forcing your web page to exactly 780 pixels

I'm referring to http://perl-begin.org/style.css line 40 (according to
Firebug), specifically this CSS:

  #page-container { ... width:780px; }


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