On Tuesday 18 August 2009 13:05:55 Denny wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 20:38 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > I thought the Perl Beginners' Site - http://perl-begin.org/
> > was perfect after the last update, but boy I was wrong.
> ...
> > We hope you enjoy the new site. If you like it, please recommend it to
> > your friends - if you don't - let us know and we'll see what we can do.
> Hi Shlomi,
> I was just looking through Perl-Begin.org and I found this page:
> http://perl-begin.org/learn/get-a-job/
> The (mis)quote at the top of it seems like an incredibly bad idea.  It
> doesn't actually illustrate the point in the following text at all, it
> just says that using Perl is 'a problem'.  That doesn't seem like a good
> thing to say, imho.

Well, a few people I've talked with about it liked it, but several people like 
you said that this adaptation of Zawinski's quote was not a good idea. The 
quote at the top was meant as a joke and to capture people's attention, but 
I'm no longer sure it delivers. We'll reconsider it.


        Shlomi Fish

> Regards,
> Denny

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Rethinking CPAN 

God gave us two eyes and ten fingers so we will type five times as much as we

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