On Monday 23 May 2005 2:49 am, Stas Bekman wrote:
> should mention that input can be filtered as well.

What's a good example application for that?

> >               * Extensible high-speed HTTP request parsing library,
> >                 libapreq2, already in use by other Apache 2 modules.
> does it really belong here?

I only included it because I had an old e-mail from you asking me to.  I'll 
take it out.

> >               * Configurable multi-threaded operation, vastly improving
> >                 scalability in Microsoft Windows environments.
> grr, I won't say that. perl has too many problems with threads. I'd just
> say a more vague: vastly improved support for windows env.

I'll change that, and include a Windows success story from Jacqui Caren to 

> May be add a long list of companies using mod_perl? some names from our
> site and more from http://www.masonhq.com/?MasonPoweredSites ?

I don't want to make a long list out of it because it could start to sound 
desperate, but a few more might fit.

- Perrin

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